• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024



Feb 28, 2023

Your Excellency Mr. President,

As you prepare to be inaugurated as the fifth democratically elected

President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, I wish to hand over this

written statement which I will term as my Handing-Over

Notes. It is

my hope that these Notes I have prepared, may be of assistance as

you take up the mantle of providing leadership for Sierra Leoneans

of all tribes, all regions, all religions, all political beliefs, all ages, all

gender and all other demographics which sometimes seem to divide

citizens who share a common destiny within one Nation. Let me upfront state that for more detailed information especially

covering aspects not directly mentioned in these written Notes

today, Your Excellency may kindly wish to turn your attention to

the two comprehensive addresses I presented at the Dissolutions of

Parliament in 2012 and 2017 respectively as well as to the

constitutionally mandated addresses presenting the State of our

Nation at the start of every Session of Parliament, throughout my

two terms as President. All my Addresses to the duly elected

representatives of the People comprehensively outlined collective

achievements and challenges we faced as Sierra Leoneans.

Furthermore, many members of my Government including Cabinet

Ministers have prepared their comprehensive Handing Over Notes

which they have already given to your new team. You may also wish

to find the time to read those.

Your Excellency, as we celebrate this third constitutional transfer of

power from one democratically elected President to another; the

event underscores our nation’s commitment to and

preference for

the Rule of Law and Democracy. These Notes therefore take full

cognizance of the need to continue to deepen our democratic

credentials and smooth then the ongoing transition process; especially

in view of some prevailing circumstances which have unfolded

amongst us after the recent, keenly contested Elections.


Your Excellency, I want to commence my Notes with reference to

the Ebola outbreak and concomitant collapse in price of

our exports

like Iron Ore. The Presidency under normal circumstances, come

with so many challenges. However, it is difficult to find the words to

describe the depths of despair I faced as President of Sierra Leone

during the Ebola Crisis from 2014 to 2016. As compatriots, we went

through unquantifiable human pains with massive socio-economic

losses in all spheres. An evil virus devastated the three countries in

our sub-regional basin at a time Sierra Leone had been


as amongst the fastest growing Economies in the World. Accordingly, Sierra Leone was the worst hit economically. Official

World Bank data informs that the total impact of the Ebola crisis on

Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone was 2.8 billion dollars but Sierra

Leone alone lost almost 2 billion dollars. Guinea lost


and Liberia lost $300million. The comparatively huge loss of almost

$2,000million by Sierra Leone is because we had attracted much

foreign direct investments which all dissipated when the Ebola

outbreak coincided with global fall in prices of our export commodities like Iron Ore. The World Bank thus reported a massive

contraction of our economic growth from an unprecedented high of

20.8% at one point prior to Ebola down to a negative of minus

  1. % by the year 2015. This contraction in economic activities

resulted in a massive decline in domestic revenue collection and

alongside the un-budgeted costs of imperative Ebola-


expenditure, the situation created significant fiscal pressure.

The drop in exports affected the exchange rate which depreciated massively as we were not exporting. Our inability to export as expected caused serious depreciation in the Leone exchange rates of up to a massive 30% in 2016.

Your Excellency, as we managed a depressed Economy in a country

totally brought down to its knees, with HOPE being our only

commodity, it was our responsibility to not only fight Ebola but to

also fight the additional burden of poverty it brought on our people.

We had to take strategic decisions in the interest of lessening the

burden of poverty on a citizenry confused by an attack on

everything we held dear. One such decision was to maintain all

employees on the Government Payroll including those whose tasks

may have seemed to be redundant to shortsighted persons. For

example, throughout the Ebola Crisis when all schools were closed

down for over a year, my Government ensured every single teacher

inside Sierra Leone continued to receive their salary –

and on time.

However, whilst we were able to pay the Take-Home salaries, the

reality is that because of the severely depressed revenue collection,

Government was simply unable to as well pay the social security

monthly payments to NASSIT for all government employees. So a

decision was taken for Government to undertake to owe to NASSIT

the sums which were regularly calculated as Debts owed to NASSIT.

So it was that during, and as a result of the Ebola Crisis, significant

Arrears became owed by Government to NASSIT.

I am however very proud to state that as the Economy stabilized, we

commenced to repay to NASSIT all arrears owed by Government as

a result of the Ebola Crisis. This year of 2018 alone, prior to Your

Excellency taking up office, several billions of leones had already

been paid to NASSIT. The financial systems you have

inherited was

already settling those arrears and I am sure they will continue to

smoothly settle them until all arrears built up from the period of the

Ebola Crisis are cleared.

Your Excellency, I have recalled the Ebola Crisis to remind of the

sheer depths of economic and emotional despair which Sierra Leone

went through from 2014 to 2016 when we were hit by two major

shocks of Commodities Prices Falling and the Ebola Outbreak. As

you are aware, the Ebola outbreak resulted in the deaths of

thousands of our compatriots and caused considerable socioeconomic damage. It stopped our people from providing the usual

family support to their loved ones, prevented them from paying last

respects to deceased persons, barred us from even shaking hands

and from doing many other things our culture and traditions taught

us. On top of this, our schools closed down, our farmers abandoned

their fields, the public faith in our hospitals was

undermined, many

local businesses folded up and foreign investors simply ran away.

Your Excellency, in the midst of such a depressed Economy, my

Government had to keep the country running and most of all, we

had the tremendous responsibility to keep the mental psyche of the

nation hopeful and uplifted in the midst of social depression. This

means throughout the Ebola Crisis, our pro-Poor and Social Welfare

initiatives had to take priority over all else. At the same

time, we

had to continue with our wide-ranging reforms so as to keep the

country competitive. It has been tough; very tough and I have

nothing but deep appreciation for my Governance Team and the

many hours of Hard Work put in to pull Sierra Leone out of the

crisis and then rebuild in the post-Ebola period. Your Excellency, as you can see from the above narrative, Sierra

Leone was shaken to its very core by Ebola but as at the time of

your assuming office, I am proud to state that prudent management

of our Economy has yielded results. The real economy has now

recovered strongly, growing by 6.3 percent. This recovery was as a

result of improved activities in agriculture, manufacturing, tourism,

mining, construction and other services such as our continued

investments in development infrastructure. Despite some remaining

vulnerabilities, we have been able to stabilize the exchange rate

which depreciated by only 5% last year 2017. This also helped to

moderate inflation. Sierra Leone is a resilient Nation, and under my

Leadership, we have pulled through.

Your Excellency, at this point, let me mention your Statesman role

when you left your important Ph.D studies in the United Kingdom

to come and join us towards the tail end of the fight against Ebola.

Many Sierra Leoneans, including myself, appreciated the personal

efforts you made to help combat Ebola; an enemy so

vicious that it

brought Sierra Leone to its knees. May God bless you for your

patriotism you showed during those very low points for our Nation.


Your Excellency, contrary to negative electioneering and post elections propaganda, the truth is that you have assumed the

highest office in the land at a time when our country is already on

course towards achieving our national aspiration of becoming a

socially-stable, middle income country by the year 2030.

This is

owing to deliberate steps undertaken by my Government to counter

Ebola, minimize the burden of poverty on the populace and

implement wide-ranging reforms to ensure Sierra Leone remained

very competitive on the global front. My Government was unique in

that it was intensely pro-Poor and at the same time,


in its outlook, policies and activities; all implemented with efforts on

promoting good governance and respect for human



Mr. President, when I was elected President in 2007, our nation was

still reeling from the effects of the war and was still categorized as a

fragile state. The biggest challenges included the need to sustain

the peace, build on our democracy and to hold the country together.

This required a delicate balancing act given the high expectations of

the populace. Today, you have inherited a country that is rated the

most peaceful in our region and one reckoned to be a nation in

Africa where democracy has taken root. This is in addition to our

notable progress in ‘Safety & Rule of Law, Participation

and Human

Rights’. Our army and police officers, who are widely acclaimed for

their professionalism, now participate in international peace

keeping. There should therefore be no doubt in the professional

capacity of our security forces to execute their constitutional


As you are aware, Sierra Leone is a small country but with distinct

regions and ethnicities and with high public expectations. While it

is true that tribal and regional tensions always flare up during

political processes, it is helpful to accept that the tribal undercurrent in our body politic requires deliberate and consistent

affirmative actions and policies to hold the country in one piece and

in harmony. In this regard, I resisted tremendous pressures for me

to remove from key positions in the Civil and Public Service, certain

citizens perceived to be supporters of your now-ruling SLPP party.

Even at the Office of the President, perceived sympathizers of the

SLPP, which was then in opposition, were allowed to be a part of the

governance team. This was my style of inclusive governance so that

the social and political fabric of the country could be woven in

harmony as the Government served citizens.

Civil liberties and democratic freedoms enjoyed by Sierra


under my leadership are unprecedented. Though constitutionally

guaranteed, it is a fact that so far, it is only under my leadership

that Sierra Leoneans of all categories enjoyed the highest levels of

freedoms and human rights ever. I will give two examples.

A very loudly vocal member of the then-Opposition SLPP who lived

in America, would make weekly video broadcasts which he shared

all over the world through the social media. His

broadcasts were full

of horrendous, seditious and libelous attacks on my person and on

my Government which had not an iota of truth to them.


eventually returned to Sierra Leone last year and quickly continued

to engage in the same conduct which he now expanded to having

appearances on radio, television and in print publications. Many

concerned citizens contacted me and demanded for the said

member of SLPP to be arrested and charged to court as

the evidence

against his libelous and seditious activities were so overwhelming.

Some citizens said jailing the said SLPP member was one way of

getting the said person to be silenced as we approached elections.

Your Excellency, I declined the calls for Government to arrest and

charge the said man to court because I believed in his right to

express himself no matter how wrong his opinions were.


utterances were not a threat to my life so I let him be;

even as he

spread terrible lies against my person and my Government.

The second example is again of a member of the SLPP Opposition in

London who was recorded on video publicly threatening of plans to

wage war inside the city of Freetown during the 2018 elections. The

alarming threats recorded on the video were brought to my

attention with a request for Government to arrest him when he

arrived on our shores. Indeed, on his arrival in the

country some

months back, his presence was brought to my attention with a

demand from some quarters for the man to be arrested.

Again, I

refused for Government to do anything which may have been

interpreted as intimidating him from his rights. Rather, the

intelligence and security agencies were urged to scale up monitoring

of all such concerned persons suspected of having plans to derail

the peace.

Throughout my tenure, we did not hold any political prisoners or

prisoners of conscience and my government put a moratorium on

capital punishment. In spite of their shortcomings, we encouraged a

very free press and a vibrant civil society because I believe these are

fundamental in promoting transparency and accountability and in

deepening good governance and democracy. Currently, our collective challenge under Your Excellency’s

leadership, is to assert special efforts to continue to

build on the

above state of affairs of our peace, democracy, freedoms, rights, the

rule of law and national unity which you have inherited.


Your Excellency, we have gotten to a point in the governance of the

State where firmness has become an important ingredient in law

enforcement and in addressing the challenges of indiscipline and

impunity. My government has effected significant reforms in the

justice sector; restored judicial administration to all

districts with

resident magistrates and provided legal safety net for all citizens

through the formation of the Legal Aid Board. A more comprehensive report on our strides in this sector can be found in

my various addresses to Parliament.


Although we have become more liberal as the world modernizes, the

All Peoples Congress (APC), the party on whose ticket I got elected

in 2007 and 2012, was founded on a platform of Socialism.

Therefore, upon my election in 2007, I did not abandon

the APC’s

core belief that Governance must be predicated on the importance

of efforts to minimize the burden of poverty on the population,

expand access for the common man and woman and do everything

possible to leave no-one behind.

Against the above foundation and much to the displeasure of some

of our valued development partners, my Government refused to end

Government’s subsidies in various sectors. The

subsidies cushioned

the effects of poverty in a prompt manner that can be likened to

your own ‘Prompt Action On Poverty Alleviation’

(PAOPA). This

means my Government had already been on a pathway which you

may now be comfortable to emulate as far as poverty alleviation is

concerned. For my Government, we were willing to incur the wrath

of some of our key partners than compromise on our obligations to

help reduce the state of poverty we inherited our citizens

to be in.

Some of these subsidies indeed created a burden on the Budget. So

in addition to the critical financial obligations required to maintain

the peace and stability such as recruiting and maintaining the

officers and men of the Police, Military, Prisons, Fire Services and of

course, the civil service including teachers and health care workers,

we had to as well absorb the financial costs of subsidizing Tuition

Fees at all levels from Primary School through to


subsidizing our farmers with cash grants, seedlings and fertilizers;

subsidizing health care services including my successful flagship

Free Health Care for Pregnant Women, Lactating Mothers and

Children Under 5 years; subsidizing Electricity so that it was not

only the rich and affluent who could enjoy reliable electricity but

those in lower social brackets as well; subsidizing participation in

national and international sporting events so as to uplift

the psyche

of citizens; subsidizing the cost of fuel so as to keep the cost of

living within reasonable levels for citizens already struggling in a

country that was firstly post-war and now lately, post- Ebola;

subsidizing Public Transportation in such a manner that government buses could travel to and from all major towns of Sierra

Leone and bus routes within the capital city of Freetown had buses

running at heavily subsidized fares especially for school children.

Every single one of these subsidies placed a huge burden on the

Economy and there were Calls for them to be discarded but the

after-effect of ending these subsidies will be a vicious cycle of

poverty which would spiral the poor living conditions of our people

in a downwards manner. Each subsidy we undertook had a distinct

and tangible justification.

Your Excellency now has to take a decision as to whether to

continue to maintain the subsidies on electricity, fuel,

rice, etc. etc.

or whether to remove them and send the citizens deeper into

poverty? For my Government, there was nothing to debate; we saw

no reason to remove the subsidies and we preferred to incur the

wrath of Development Partners than place more burdens on our

poor citizens.

For example, during the Ebola Crisis, one measure to stop spread of

Ebola, was to suspend schools throughout Sierra Leone. We

suspended the schools which meant no school fees were paid.

However, Government never stopped paying salaries to teachers nor

did we stop paying attention to our obligations to support

educational activities. After Ebola, when schools re- opened, we

further subsidized school fees in the immediate post-

Ebola period

because, my Government saw the need to cushion the already

heavy effect of poverty on parents. So we completely removed the

burden of them having to raise funds to pay fees. In this way, our

children continued to get educated and their parents could plough

money for fees into other useful areas of poverty reduction in their


Sierra Leone is currently the only country in West Africa where the

Government automatically pays 70% of the University Tuition Fees

for all its citizens so as to subsidise the cost of university education.

In addition to subsidizing 70% of Tuition Fees, we also


100% full subsidies for various other categories like students from

very poor families and female students accepted to study Science



In the midst of our efforts to rebuild and reduce the burden of

poverty on citizens, we continued reforming and continued being

the most Transparent government ever in the entire History of

Sierra Leone.

In 2007 when I took over as President from the late President

Kabbah (may his soul R.I.P.), he publicly lamented in his Handing

Over Statement of how, and I quote: “Making the Auditor General’s Report available” to the public “before it had gone

through Parliamentary scrutiny” was something


could not tolerate”. According to President Kabbah in 2007,

“Even the President is not entitled to this document

until after

parliamentary scrutiny”. However, I did not share his

views and

as a firm believer in Transparency, I ensured under my dispensation, the legal steps were taken so that as soon as the

Auditor-General handed the Report to Parliament, it was instantly

made available to citizens. Auditor General’s Reports are

no longer

the top secret document they used to be prior to my attaining office.

Now, my Government has ensured the Auditor General’s Report is

not only made freely available on request by anyone but, in

addition, it is permanently published on the website of the Audit


Indeed, we strengthened the Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) with

enactment of Laws which gave more independence and powers to

the Auditor-General. We also ensured all employees of ASSL were

highly paid. The annual wages for staff of ASSL totaled

  1. Billion

Leones. To get an idea of what 21.6 Billion Leones means, Your

Excellency may want to find the time to compare it to the


wages paid to staff of other important offices like National Electoral

Commission. Indeed, my Government empowered and strengthened

the Auditor General like never before in Sierra Leone. Ensuring the instant publication of Audit Reports as they are laid in

Parliament, have been very helpful in our multi- dimensional

approach to combating corruption.

The downside to this is that areas of the Auditor-

General’s report

which were later found to be inaccurate by Parliament

will get to be

sensationalized in the media at detriment to the image of my

Government. Despite this significant challenge, I have ensured that

throughout my tenure, the people of Sierra Leone can all now freely

debate the Auditor General’s Report since they now have more

understanding of what it contains. I am leaving office with my head

held high in terms of promoting transparency.

I am also proud to note of how we institutionalized transparent

Performance Contracts across MDAs, universities and colleges, and

ensured the full and active participation of the media and civil

society in analyzing performance of public officials. We also

strengthened the participation of ordinary citizens in the budget


Furthermore, we developed an array of public financial management reforms to ensure prudent, efficient, effective and

transparent management of public financial resources. For the first time also, the Mining Sector transparently


disclosed and disseminated information related to taxes, revenues

and all payments.


The assertion that our country is listed as the most corrupt in the

world is completely inaccurate. Let me state that my government

recorded considerable progress in the fight against corruption. My

government strengthened independence and effectiveness of the

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) by repealing the


Anti-Corruption Act of 2000 and passing a new Act in 2008. The

new Act broadened the scope of offences and gave prosecutorial

powers to the Commission. A recent review of our


compliance with U.N. Convention against Corruption shows

significant progress from where we were in 2007.

The mandate of the ACC is not limited to prosecutions and the

Commission has paid sufficient attention to prevention. Sierra

Leone therefore continued to make steady progress in the rankings.

In the Millennium Challenge Cooperation Corruption Control Index,

Sierra Leone has moved from 36 to 52 percent, a 16 point upwards

movement. The Transparency International index also indicates an

overall progress. My Government got a special public commendation

from Transparency International when I requested the Auditor General to undertake an Audit of how funds to combat Ebola were

being managed right in the middle of the fight against


Indeed, never in history of Sierra Leone has such transparency been

exhibited by any other Government prior to mine.


There has been a significant improvement in the transparent

management and integrity of the Government Payroll in order to

deal with the previously perennial challenge of ‘ghost workers’ and

addressing Dual Employment. An EU-funded Biometric Data

collection is now well underway. Payment of salaries is

now much

easier, accurate and transparent since employees are all now being

paid into their individual bank accounts. For example,


salaries are no longer paid as lump sums into schools bank

accounts. Every teacher now has a bank account. The computerization of Subvented Agencies’ payroll, which was

processed manually, has ensured the existence of a consolidated

Government Payroll and the payment of salaries of staff is done

directly into their individual bank accounts. The payroll database

has also been updated with employees’ NASSIT Numbers as part of

efforts to ensure evidence of the existence of all Government

employees. This is in addition to a Payroll Strategy prepared to

guide future work on the sustainability of the Government wage


Mr. President, it is also worthy to note that in spite of the pressures

on the economy, my Government was able to pay

salaries of all

Government workers on time and without any arrears.

The salaries

of public sector workers were also increased several times with the

minimum wage increased to Le500,000 per month from Le21,000 in

2007. In 2007, the minimum wage could not even purchase half a

bag of rice. As I hand over, the minimum wage can now buy two full

bags of rice with change left over.


Still on TRANSPARENCY, in addition to the Public

Procurement Act,

2016 which brought Sierra Leone’s public procurement

in line with

international best practice, we have also enacted the Public

Financial Management (PFM) Act, 2016 which replaced the

Government Budgeting and Accountability Act (GBAA) 2005. The

PFM Act, makes provisions for improving the credibility of the

Budget by restricting extra-budgetary spending, clarifying the use of

contingency funds and laying a framework for the


management of extractive industry revenues.

The PFM act ensured very high transparency in how our finances

were handled. For example, Section 66 of the PFM Act, mandates

the Accountant General to publish on a monthly basis, all revenues

and all expenditures in both the Gazette and on the website of the

Ministry of Finance. What this means Your Excellency is that

Government in Sierra Leone is now so transparent that anyone from

anywhere in the World can go freely check as to how much money

was raised and how much money was spent by Government of

Sierra Leone every single month.

Your Excellency, this level of transparency means any one can now

cross-check and disprove the recent false claim from some quarters,

that for the past two years, my Government could not pay the

salaries of Government employees unless money was first borrowed.

It is absolutely incorrect for anyone to say monthly

revenues raised

were less than the Wage Bill so salaries could not be paid unless

Government first borrowed money. All monthly revenues raised and

transparently published every month for the past two years, were in

excess of monthly Wage Bill (total salaries to be paid).


my two terms as President, my Government always placed priority

on settling the wage bill before any other monthly expenditure was

undertaken. As President, whilst I trusted the staff at

the Ministry

of Finance, I double-checked whatever was stated. Your Excellency I

want to humbly recommend that you may want to also do so;

especially prior to making public statements on financial issues.

Once again, the claim that my Government could not pay salaries

without resorting to borrowing is absolutely not true.

Any borrowing

that was done may have been for other expenditure and certainly

not for the Wage Bill which always took priority and

always got paid

from the more than enough revenue we generated every month.


Another key reform has been the initiation of the Treasury Single

Account (TSA) to unify and link accounts through which the

government receives all revenues and transacts all payments. A

comprehensive inventory of Government’s bank

accounts at the

commercial banks therefore gave a consolidated view of government

cash resources. The TSA became operational in August 2017, with a

pilot implementation on 10 Subvented Agencies and Ministries.

However, we soon realized we had issues of legality around our

implementation of the TSA. The urgent need to enact another Law

to enhance the TSA, became apparent. To that end, my Government

ensured that one of the final Acts passed through Parliament in

2017 was the Fiscal Management and Control Act which I assented

to shortly before my tenure ended this year. This action of my

Government now fully compelled MDAs to immediately deposit all

collected revenues in to the Consolidated Revenue Fund; all in

furtherance of the implementation of the TSA.

Your Excellency, let me here commend your Executive Order which

sought to follow my implicit directives after I assented to the Fiscal

Management and Control Act. Your Excellency is able to make that

Order legally because I had just assented to the Fiscal


and Control Act. Your Excellency may now wish to further enhance

the legal atmosphere within which your Orders are carried out by

ensuring the strengthening of the relevant legal frameworks.


I have noted the concerns relating to external debts.

Insofar as we

have made considerable progress in increasing internal revenue

generation, the reality is that Sierra Leone still needs external

support for its national development agenda while we continue to

strengthen and grow the economy. Importantly, there has been

unprecedented development in the country in every region, every

district and in every sector. This comes on the back of prudent

management of our external debt through the conduct of Annual

Debt Sustainability Analysis and the development and implementation of a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy. As a

result, Sierra Leone’s debt has remained without any

high risk of

debt distress throughout my tenure as President.


My Government’s unprecedented development strides

are reflected

in Sierra Leone now having a much bigger economy than when I

took over in 2007. Back then, the monetary value of

Sierra Leone’s

economic and business activities was estimated at five trillion

Leones. By 2017, this is now estimated at 30 trillion Leones. In

2007, the Annual Revenue generated within Sierra Leone

was 500

billion Leones; today it is 4 trillion (4,000 billion) Leones. Foreign

Direct Investment has grown tremendously from 288 billion Leones

to five trillion (5,000 billion) Leones. We have also increased our

international reserves from dollar equivalent of less than 600 billion

Leones to the current amount which is the dollar equivalent of 4

trillion (4,000 billion) Leones.

Your Excellency, the last ten years have seen a remarkable overall

growth in spite of the major exogenous shocks including the global

financial crisis of 2008-09, the food and fuel price crisis during the

same period, the collapse of international commodity prices,

including our major export, iron ore, and the outbreak of the

terrible Ebola epidemic. Over this last ten years, we have used this

unprecedented growth in resources to invest in social services and

infrastructure more than at any other time in our

country’s history.

My Government’s direct development expenditure on

roads, energy,

health, education, tourism, communication, information technology

and other areas has been way above what it was in 2007. In 2007,

the expenditure on direct development was 60 million dollars; By

2013, we were now able to spend 280 million dollars on direct

development projects. Last year, the sum of 274 million dollars was

spent on direct development projects. This is an 357% increase over

the last ten years and has resulted in a visible and tangible increase

in access to health services, education, electricity, clean drinking

water, roads, agricultural services and information communication

technologies. The transformation cuts across and has been

remarkable and through it all, Sierra Leone’s debt has


without any high risk of debt distress. Rather, the outcome of our

efforts is a bigger and bigger Economy.


Your Excellency, I am informed that your Vice President has already

visited our sea port at Cline Town and has seen for himself the

remarkable transformation that is ongoing to position our natural

harbor to a major transhipment hub in the region. This has the

potential to bring considerable economic benefits to our country.

The Container Terminal Ports Extension Project is wholly financed

by the private sector at a cost of $120million. The TIDFORE 4 Berth

port extension project is also financed by the private sector. The

Kissy Ferry Terminal Development Project upon completion will

convert the Kissy waterfront to a luxurious touristic spot with

sailing boats and beautiful hotels. It is now 40% completed.

In 2007 when I took up office, we barely had international airlines

using the Lungi Airport because of many challenges including poor

marketing of Sierra Leone and low civil aviation security standards.

Ten years on, we have transformed Lungi Airport which is now a

destination spot for twelve international airlines including some of

the World’s most famous airlines; and with arrangements in place

for more flights coming including the Qatari airlines.


Our transformation of Sierra Leone’s tourism potentials

is simply

unrivalled in the last several decades. Our Lumley Beach has been

enhanced with construction of beautiful hotels and entertainment

spots and can today rival many of the famous beach resorts around

the world with name brands like Radisson Blu. A new Hilton Hotel

is set to be opened shortly. The transformation of the Tourism face

of Sierra Leone is breath-taking. Tax incentives to the hotel industry

and an injection of fresh ideas into the promotion of Tourism have

resulted in the United Nations last year classifying Sierra Leone as

the fastest growing Tourism destination in the world; a far cry from

days when Ebola thwarted our Tourism potentials. In developing

our Tourism and Cultural industry, we nurtured our people to

develop pride in who we are and in what we represent. As encroachment and land disputes made their Aberdeen location

no more ideal, the National Dance Troupe was relocated to an ultramodern cultural centre at Mabala Village (off Six Mile) constructed

by my Government, to house them and also serve as a non-formal

Institute of Arts and Culture. In addition, construction of the first

ever National Arts Gallery is now set to commence with funds from

Action Aid Sierra Leone and from Government available to start the

process. We have also laid the plans for three additional Museums

to be constructed in Bo, Kenema and Makeni.

Indeed, throughout my two terms, Government let Sierra Leoneans

develop pride in our capacity to achieve our own goals within our

cultural beliefs. I found this was a basis for promoting unity in

diversity. Your Excellency may now wish to leverage on

the gains in

the Tourism and Cultural industry to promote the course of

national identity and consciousness.


Sierra Leone’s youth empowerment, gender equality and


tolerance credentials are highly rated across the continent and the

world over. Our religious tolerance is a source of pride and the

slightest inclination that it may be under threat will usually see a

formidable reaction from all concerned to protect the co-

existence of

Muslims and Christians. Your Excellency will certainly wish to

sustain and continue to strengthen this.

My Government has reviewed and reformed many laws aiming for

gender equality through enhancing rights, improving and expanding

access to services and justice for women. Many of our policies like

the Free Health Care Initiative, were developed against a recognition

of the importance of our Women as Partners in development.

Indeed, Sierra Leone Women, during my tenure, have enjoyed

appointments which broke the glass ceiling previously limiting their

aspirations. With the first ever female Chief Justice appointed by

me, it is a fact that the only positions which a woman is yet to hold

or act within inside Sierra Leone are at the highest seats of the

Presidency. My Government ensured our girls were inspired with

the appointment of capable women in to high offices. There were an

unprecedented high number of women as Ministers or Deputy

Ministers in my Cabinet.

The empowerment of Sierra Leonean women was not only within

the country. My Government fully supported the appointment of

capable Sierra Leonean women like Haja Dr. Zainab Hawa Bangura

as Under Secretary General at the United Nations; like Hon. Dr.

Bernadette Lahai as Vice President to the Pan-African Parliament

and like Madam Finda Koroma as the current Vice

President of the ECOWAS Commission.

In respect of youth empowerment, we have appointed capable

young persons to hold responsible positions. We have also initiated

the Youths Internship programme to provide the hands- on

experience our graduates so badly need to fit in the job market. In

the same vein, we launched the National Youth Service Scheme

which in addition, seeks to promote national cohesion. Other young

persons have been supported through the Youth in Fisheries

Project, public works and agricultural initiatives. The stage for the

implementation of the Youth Villages concept to train our young

people in various vocational skills had also been set to address the

gap in the middle level manpower. You may wish to build on these

programmes as well as expand access to higher education. Already,

my Government has increased from two to five universities and the

ground work has been laid for the establishment of a sixth in the

east part of the country.


Your Excellency, in view of the need to develop our


human resource, my Government took Education as a priority so

much so that Budget Allocation to the sector has increased from

low levels of 3.7% which I inherited in 2007 to now be over 15% by

2017. We took deliberate actions to expand access to education at

all levels. For higher education, we have ensured the establishment

of three additional universities including the Limkokwing University

of Creative Technology, which is the first ever public private

partnership in our country’s field of education. At the

same time,

we have secured funding from ECOWAS for the establishment of a

brand new University in Kono which is now well underway.

My government embarked on restoring the dignity of

Sierra Leone’s

oldest institution of higher learning by completely rehabilitating

Fourah Bay College and constructing a massive expansion of the

campus. New lecture rooms and other facilities have also been

constructed on campus. Students and faculty are now poised to

start using these structures.

We have also had challenges relating to the quality of education for

which steps were taken to address as well as to improve on equity

and efficiency of the education system in Sierra Leone.

In this

regard, my Government developed a Teaching Syllabus for Basic

Education; strengthened School Inspection through Recruitment of

School Support Officers; appointed a chairperson, commissioners

and staff to get the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) operational;

developed the first ever Inclusive Education policy; the first ever

Early Childhood Education policy and associated minimum

standards document; and two Education Sector Plans


associated Implementation Plans (IPs) and Global Partnership for

Education (GPE) programmes. We also conducted and published a

comprehensive diagnostic study on education.

We secured funding of US$17.9 million from the World Bank

towards the implementation of a project on Revitalising Education

Development in Sierra Leone (REDi_SL) which lasted for three years

and upon its recent completion, we again qualified for an additional

grant of same amount for which I am informed your new Finance

Minister has confirmed my Government’s efforts have

yielded fruits.

The fight against leakages in the educational sector was central in

how my Government served the citizens. To this end, we conducted

four (4) comprehensive annual school censuses with associated

reports which have aided the completion of the teacher payroll

cleaning exercise and saving of an estimated total of Le432 billion

from the elimination of ‘ghost teachers’ over the last ten


During the immediate post-Ebola period, we provided teaching and

learning materials for all non-private schools and students at a cost

of Le26 billion and paid school fees for all non-private school

students at a cost of Le67 billion. Over the past ten years, we have

regularly paid fees for all school level public examinations. Just for

the past year of 2017, my Government paid a total of Le16.7 billion

as fees for all public examinations by our children. Sierra Leonean students studying in various other countries as a

result of bi-lateral scholarships, have benefitted from an astronomical increase in the amount of financial support they have

been receiving from Government. This includes our full support of

Medical doctors who graduated from COMAHS and then applied for

support to undertake post-graduate medical studies overseas.

Your Excellency, as you can see, Education was a top priority for

me and my out gone Government. Our efforts resulted in increases

in enrolment and number of students completing all levels of

schooling. My government had also recorded yearly increases in

candidates taking NPSE and BECE examinations as well as yearly

increases in pass rates at the BECE and WASSCE examinations.

We have also ensured annual increases in the number of approved

schools enjoying cash grants and other support from Government;

for example, between July 2016 and July 2017, almost 400 more

schools were approved for support. My Government further took

action to address the problem of overcrowding in schools by

constructing 225 classrooms between July 2016 and July 2017.

These were in addition to the construction of 165 wells and 362

WASH facilities in schools.

Mr. President, one important initiative in the country’s


sector you may wish to build upon is the revitalisation,


and improvement of the school feeding programme to incentivize

and keep the children in school. This may be crucial in your free

education programme.


Regarding the health sector, a mantra of my vision for Sierra Leone

was not only improving on the aforementioned spread and access to

Education but also our realization that Health is Wealth, ensured

we positively transformed access to health care for our

people. To

address challenges in health care, especially Maternal and Child

Health, a breath-taking number of infrastructure and services have

already been implemented with even more to soon be added.

Nine tertiary hospitals are being upgraded as national medical

centres of excellence and over 57 other health facilities are either

being constructed or rehabilitated; with the latest being the newly

constructed Pediatric hospital complex in Kailahun. In

the Western

Area alone, five additional hospitals at Lumley, Kingharman Road,

Macauley Street, Rokupa and in Waterloo – are at advanced stages

of completion and each will have 100 bed space thus adding 500

more bed space to the number currently servicing Western Area.

We have also expanded on the coverage of the Free Health Care

Initiative by establishing the Sierra Leone National Health

Insurance Scheme. Also, a National Ambulance Service

and a

National Blood Bank have been launched. We have merged our

great strides in Energy generation with advancing the development

of our health care services through provision of Fifty four (54)

community health centres with round-the-clock electricity supply

under the DFID funded Rural Renewable Energy Project. Your Excellency, a challenge in Health Care delivery has been a

limited number of available health care personnel. So, in addition to

strengthening of the infrastructure, my Government realized the

absence of trained staff inhibited our vision especially in the area of

women delivering their babies. To this end, there was a MultiDisciplinary Clinical/Foreign Medical Team of 43 medical doctors, 4

radiographers and laboratory scientists to temporarily plug the

human resource gap in the sector.

To combat this shortage of skills, we have further established the

School of Clinical Sciences to train our health workers to become

Physician Assistants able to complement our doctors. In addition,

Teaching Hospitals have been established to provide Specialist and

Postgraduate medical training in-country to our locally- trained

medical doctors in various fields. My Government also instituted a

National Midwives Training School. We believe as we roll out more

trained personnel, we can more speedily combat the dangerous

levels of mortality and morbidity numbers especially for mothers

and children.

There is however a lot of success scored over the past ten years. For

example, the number of women delivering their babies with skilled

birth attendance has increased from very low catchment numbers

to 62% at the last DHS report whilst 87% of all deliveries now

happen in safe institutions. The number of midwives inside Sierra

Leone is now over 600 from below 100 when we took office.

I was amazed to hear some say the Free Health Care

Initiative of my

Government has not been productive. Within just one year of its

implementation, the Free Health Care Initiative resulted in nearly 2

million (2,000,000) additional number of Under-Fives outpatient

consultations and care visits by pregnant women increased threefold. These trends have continued. The immunization coverage for

children increased from an annual 67% as in the year 2006 to 82%

in 2011 and has been steadily leaping upwards apart from the

break during Ebola Crisis.

Completely free Caesarean Section operations and free healthcare

with no fees for young children, are saving countless lives of women

and children. Apart from the nearly 2 million additional under-five

consultations recorded in the first year, 12,000 very serious

maternity complications were managed in health facilities with a

60% drop in the fatality rate in these cases. At the PCMH referral

hospital, the number of maternity admissions grew


The excitement was palpable nationwide as families no longer had

to worry over the cost of producing babies. However, despite visible indications of marked improvements, our

international partners consistently report that there is no

improvement in dire statistics of death and sickness amongst

mothers and children. As a Government, we have tried to understand the reasons behind this disconnect by introducing our

own Maternal Death Surveillance & Response (MDSR)


which is now enabling Government to generate its own refined data

and statistics on maternal deaths. This Strategy launched last year

will allow Government to understand real trends in real time and

also take remedial action to end whatever are the reasons behind

the disparity in the services delivered and the dismal indices.

With the introduction of Free Health Care, over 80% of the most

essential drugs are now available at all times, in public


facilities, resulting, to the increase of over 60% hospital and PHU

attendance by pregnant and lactating women and children under

five years of age. The Free Health Care Initiative has been a total

and complete success story throughout my tenure since I launched

it. Your Excellency may now wish to ensure it does not get derailed.


Mr. President, the lack of electricity has been one of the biggest

hurdles to our nation’s development given that my


inherited the darkest country on the planet. In 2007, the entire

country’s electricity production was 47million kilowatt

hours raised

from a mere 10 megawatts. I am handing over the country with 350

million kilowatt hours produced from over 280 megawatts. We

achieved this monumental success through various efforts

including exploring thermal, hydro and solar potentials; thereby

restoring power, for the first time in over thirty years, to major

towns across the country.

Another reason for our successful efforts has been amendment of

our laws so that National Electricity Generation is now separated

from Sale and Distribution of Electricity. In this way, private

entities are now legally able to invest in the Electricity sector. As a

result, the access to electricity supply is now expanding all over the

country especially in provincial areas. Brand new


supplies have transformed the social livelihoods of many rural

towns like Makali, Segbwema, Panguma, Gbinti,

Conakrydee whilst

places like Kono got electricity for the first time in 32 years;

Magburaka for the first time in 33 years; Port Loko for the first time

in 32 years and Lumley Beach for the first time after 32 years.

Charlotte village is also set with a brand new hydro- electricity

power supply.

On international cooperation fronts, two electricity interconnection

projects, namely the West African Power Pool (WAPP) and the CLSG

(Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia Sierra Leone & Guinea) are set to contribute

significantly to our national effort of overcoming energy shortfalls.

Nationally, active ongoing projects and other planned projects such

as Bumbuna Phase-2, Betmai, CEC, the Solar Park and various

Solar Farms will soon bring on board an addition of almost 300MW

which are already targeted to be shared nationwide including in

Kailahun, Kenema, Kono, Bo, Pujehun, Bonthe, Moyamba, Mile-91,

Kabala, Kamakwie.

We have further secured a $53 million funding for the complete

overhaul of the Bo/Kenema Power Station to considerably improve

electricity supply to those two major cities as well as several villages

along the power lines. Several other projects are ongoing to generate

more electricity and improve the quality of electricity

supply across the country.


Your Excellency, during my first term, I realized the importance of

paying special attention to providing safe, clean and accessible

drinking water to our compatriots. So at the start of my second

term, I created a special ministry dedicated to just that.

Many of my

critics including within your political party, did not understand the

importance of this new ministry and criticized me. I want

to thank

you for justifying my decision by also following in my footsteps with

your appointment of a Minister of Water Resources dedicated to

ensuring the continuation of my efforts at providing clean drinking

water to Sierra Leoneans all over our country.

Our visible, tangible successes in provision of safe water are worthy

enough to compensate for all the unfair criticisms. As I hand over to

you today, we have increased access to safe, clean drinking water to

an additional 1,300,000 Sierra Leoneans outside of Freetown by

constructing water stations and pipe borne water in their areas. For

the capital city of Freetown itself, a seamless deployment of our Dry

Season Project has ensured water gets delivered to many citizens

throughout the Dry Season, through innovative efforts. To be more specific, in Bo, Kenema and Makeni, the ‘Three-Towns

Project’ is now fully operational and serving the entirety

of those

regional headquarter towns. Furthermore, in Pujehun,


Yonibana, Mile-91, Kabala, Kambia, Lungi, Lunsar and Kailahun,

brand new water supply systems are now operational.

Port Loko

water systems which were installed are now due for rehabilitation

whilst Moyamba Town water supply is poised to soon be completed.

In Bonthe Municipality and in Koidu City, pre-feasibility and

Feasibility/Design studies are respectively now completed.

Your Excellency, you have inherited a Government that

is already

addressing the remaining challenges of clean drinking water for

Freetown. I therefore draw your attention to the excellent findings

in the Feasibility Report I commissioned on the potentials of the

River Rokel being a source of water to serve the geographical stretch

of communities from the proposed new city of Mamamah all the way

into Central Freetown. We now know that the flowing waters of

River Rokel can be extracted, purified and subsequently

supplied to

residents. With the diminished capacity of Guma Valley Dam to

service a growing number of inhabitants of the capital city, these

findings on River Rokel are welcomed developments. Meanwhile, my Government has already initiated and secured

funding for several projects which aim at bringing an end to the

persistent problem of water shortages in the capital city and around

Sierra Leone. You may wish to build on these initiatives to scale up

the provision of clean drinking water in the Western Area and

across the country.


Your Excellency, it is common knowledge that my government

embarked on the largest roads infrastructure development

programme in the history of our country. On that score, we have

completed the rehabilitation of the Makeni-Matotoka road in the

North, the Port Loko to Lungi highway, the rehabilitation and

widening of Makeni-Kabala Highway, the rehabilitation of bridges

and widening of the Masiaka-Bo highway and the Matotoka-Yiye

Road phase I in the North East; while the phase II Yiye-


construction is almost completed. The rehabilitation of the BoKenema highway in the South/East and the reconstruction of the

Kenema-Pendembu highway in the East have been completed while

the Pendembu-Kailahun highway is almost completed. Also in the South, the Bo-Bandajuma segment of the international

highway between Liberia and Sierra Leone has been contracted out.

It is to be connected to the ongoing construction of the BandajumaMano River Bridge Highway which, with its 3 expansive bridges, is

now at a very advanced stage. The ground work has been laid for

the rehabilitation of the Taiama-Njala road and the Moyamba

Junction to Moyamba Highway which would link up with the

Moyamba to Shenge Highway that includes several bridges.

In the Western Area, we concluded the reconstruction

and widening

of the Grafton-Regent Highway; Wilkinson Road; the Lumley-Spur

Road-Wilberforce-Hill Station Road and the Lumley- Aberdeen Beach

Road. Phase I of the Hillside Bye Pass Road is also now concluded

as are mitigation works at Tengbeh Town & Moeba. The Lumley Tokeh Road and Phase II of the Hillside Bye Pass Road are both

nearing completion. The complete reconstruction and widening of

the Hill Cut-Jomo Kenyatta-King Harman Roads are in progress.

We have also completed the reconstruction of the Congo Cross-King

Street-Signal Hill Road and the Congo Cross-Main Motor Road Wilberforce road. Similarly, we have also completed the King Street Freetown Road-Lumley Road-Wilberforce down through to enter

into Lumley. A complete rehabilitation of the stretch from Blackhall

Road through Kissy to Calaba Town has occurred on the

‘Old Road’

leading to the provinces. In addition, several kilometers of roads

have been rehabilitated or built in many parts of the Western Area.

In the northern part of the country, we have further completed the

Freetown-Conakry highway while the redesigned reconstruction of

the Wellington-Masiaka highway into four carriage ways on a Toll

System is progressing very well.

In meantime, a successful contractor is now mobilizing after my

Government secured funding from the European Union for the

construction of a dual carriage bridge over the Rogbere River. This

is to happen simultaneously with the construction of the


bridge and other bridges.

In addition to all these inter-district networks, the reconstruction of

roads in every single district headquarter town and several other

major towns across the country has been done. Many district

headquarter towns have experienced tarred roads with very good

cement drainage systems for the very first time under my

leadership. The roads and drainages have not only been built but

have been regularly maintained for sustainability and aesthetics.

Your Excellency may wish to ensure these roads continue to be

maintained even as you expand on road developments. For connections with neighbouring countries, we have ensured that

the construction of international highways are completed or now far

advanced. For the gateway leading from the South, I have already

mentioned ongoing construction of the brand new Bo- Bandajuma MRU Bridge international highway which will stretch from Bo

district right into Liberia through Pujehun district and include 3


For other international gateways, one of my first priorities on taking

office in 2007 was to clear up the scandalous financial issues

around the EU-funded Rogbere to Guinea road rehabilitation which

the contractor had abandoned because of issues with then SLPP

regime. My government successfully rebuilt the confidence of the

European Union and we now were funded to not just


the stretch but we received funding to construct a brand new

international highway that led from North-Western Sierra Leone

into Guinea; commencing from Rogbere Junction. That particular

international highway constructed and completed in my first term,

positively changed the face of travelling and trade between Guinea

and Sierra Leone.

Another Northern gateway is the Makeni-Pamlap- Kamakwe-Madina

Oula international highway which leads into neighbouring Guinea

and is in far advanced stages of construction. On completion, it will

lure trading partners from landlocked ECOWAS countries who will

then use it to drive down to access our sea ports since our ports will

then be nearer for them to access than the ports of other countries.

All these International Highways are of international standards and

are critical in enhancing an increased trading ability not only with

Guinea and Liberia but even beyond within the ECOWAS subregion.

To open up in-country movement and access, my Government has

secured funding and signed Financing Agreement for the reconstruction of the Kambia-Kamakwe Road including a bridge

across the Thomporay River. The procurement process is already in

progress. For the construction and widening of the Mile 91-Robole

Junction Road, all technical studies are at an advanced stage, while

the Mile 88 – 91Road has been contracted.

Mr. President, in spite of all of these wonderful developments, our

our people still need a lot more of infrastructure development to

grow the Economy. Against this backdrop, I have commissioned the

construction of the Mamammah Airport City and the feasibility

studies for a proposed bridge across the Lungi estuary. Your Excellency may want to explore creative ways of funding new

infrastructural projects so as to allow your Government to redirect

its own revenues on other social services. In this regard,

I wish to

recall Handing Over Statement of President Kabbah to me in 2007

when he advised me to consider “a toll-system arrangement” for

the early construction of a key link road. I want to pass

on that

advise for you to consider toll roads as first advised by President


I wish to also use this chance to clarify another issue within the

2007 Handing Over Notes of President Kabbah. The

many ‘roads’

which he mentioned were not all highways but the vast majority

had been a mere grading of inaccessible roads by bulldozers to

make them better passable. For example, the Koribondo- Gendema

Ferry Road, the Makeni-Kamakwie Road and the Kurobola-Kabala

Road he cited as completed, were merely having bulldozers grade

and open up these passages after the war ended. It is only under

my Government that each and every axis mentioned, got to benefit

from actual highways being built thereon. Similarly, for the

Kenema-Koindu Road which was cited as already completely

financed and under tender, it was only after I took up office that we

had to complete securing required funds and even when we

succeeded, we could only get for the Kenema-Pendembu segment.

The final Highway from Kenema which my Government has

constructed and is now continuing right into Kailahun Town is of

the highest international quality and of a standard much higher

than the original design we had inherited in 2007.


Your Excellency, I consider one of my greatest legacies as President

to be the creation of two new administrative districts and the deamalgamation (separation) of all those super-large chiefdoms which

were formed by forcefully combining chiefdoms during colonial

days. During colonial days, many large chiefdoms were created by

forceful amalgamation of chiefdoms all over the Northern


Indeed, a great injustice has been the disproportionately low

manner in which social services were delivered to large swathes of

mostly the Northern areas of Sierra Leone; as compared to other

parts of Sierra Leone.

Your Excellency, social services get regularly delivered according to

administrative divisions starting from chiefdom level.

However, this

process ended up being unfair to many residents of Northern Sierra

Leone. For example, an amalgamated chiefdom like Nieni in the

Koinadugu district was larger in geographical size than the whole of

Bonthe district but during colonial days, Bonthe district had been

divided into eleven administrative chiefdoms. So, when social services were being delivered by chiefdom levels, the

residents of Nieni chiefdom, as large as their chiefdom was, will

merely get a single allocation of what the geographically smaller

Bonthe will get eleven allocations of. For example, if


proposes to build one school in every chiefdom, Nieni will get one

school and Bonthe will get eleven schools. If an NGO project is to

deliver a peripheral healthcare unit to all chiefdoms, then Nieni will

get one of such unit and Bonthe will get eleven. The attendant

disparity grew over time and resulted in the marked depression of

places like Nieni all over the Northern part of Sierra Leone.

Studies presented to my Government, found this

disparity resulted

in abysmally low levels of social services delivery and was the

primary reason why the North always had the worst of any index

measuring negative human development; for example, the highest

maternal mortality and the lowest rates of literacy. This clear example of short-changing Nieni, was to be seen all over

the North. To combat patently unfair allocation of social services is

one of the reasons why my Government embarked on a re-division

of administrative boundaries using geographical and population

indices as our guide. In the process, two new districts, Falaba and

Karene, were created, one new Region, the North-

Western Province

was also created and chiefdoms got to be de- amalgamated into their

original smaller boundaries.

With the de-amalgamation of super-large chiefdoms and the

creation of the two new districts, we have been able to reach more

of our people in their communities and get them to

participate in

the governance of the state than ever before.

A similar reason is why we enhanced parliamentary representation

by increasing Ordinary Members of Parliament from 112 to a total

of 132 across the country.


Your Excellency, as I end, let me now share with you a few more

thoughts which were relevant to me during my term in office. You

may find them to be of some interest to you:

  1. I was well guarded in all dealings with international


and investors; For me, the image and the economic interest of

the Nation informed my decisions. After all, the ultimate goal

of international investors is always to promote their interest.

  1. To boost international cooperation, my Government prepared a

Sierra Leone Foreign Service Transformation Strategy slated to

run from 2014 to 2018. It helped Sierra Leone to effectively

provide leadership in several sub-regional, regional,

continental & global initiatives.

  1. There is the propensity for many of our compatriots to cut

corners. I had to lead the way by being hardworking and insisting on hard work so as to let our people appreciate that

true success does not come easily but through hardwork.

  1. I vigorously promoted increased agricultural productivity and

value addition to help address the challenges in food sufficiency and the creation of job opportunities. This called

for a fuller, stricter implementation of the local content


as well as various forms of sustained support to local farmers.

  1. I strengthened the protection of the drivers of the economy –

ICTs, fisheries/marine and mineral resources. The laying of

the fibre-optic cable across the country is almost complete.

What remains is to connect businesses, learning institutions

and homes. We have already piloted several schools, colleges

and universities to ensure the facility is universally


accessible and affordable; all in order to unleash its massive

social and economic benefits in education and research, in

stimulating innovation, and in revolutionising governance,

health services and businesses. We leveraged on regulatory

framework in the minerals sector to ensure that the country

benefits more from its mineral resources.

  1. The flood and mudslide disaster sharply brought to the fore

the need to strengthen the enforcement of environmental protection; My government had also commenced to pay special

attention to social housing with a view to relocate our compatriots in disaster prone areas. Already, my Government

had initiated and received very firm commitment from Qatari

Government for over 2,000 social housing units. Finally Your Excellency, my Government, like all Governments, was

not perfect. For a variety of reasons, I did not achieve some of what

I had wanted; especially because of the Ebola

interregnum. I

however wish you all success in your positive plans for our country

as you take over from me. I am now under your leadership. You

are now my national leader. Please be assured I will always be

available should you require my counsel. I am just a

telephone call

away. Meanwhile, let me reiterate that for more detailed information

on what we have achieved over the last ten years and to understand

some of the many challenges we faced, you may find the

texts of my

addresses I delivered at the Annual state opening and closure of

parliament as worthy reference.

As I take a final bow out of governance, let me note my appreciation

to all those who helped and supported me as I served our great

nation; especially my wife, family, close friends, my personal staff

and last but not least, my party; the All Peoples Congress. I also

want to thank citizens for electing me to serve them for two terms.

Your Excellency, May 12th 2018 marks my ceremonial transfer to

you, of the ‘Staff of Office’ which is the symbolic

authority of the

Office of the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone. I understand

May 12th is your birthday so please accept my wishes for a Happy

Birthday and a joyous celebration of your Inauguration. I once

again wish you well and every success during your tenure.

Thank you and God bless the Republic of Sierra Leone.

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