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Would Radio Democracy reinstate its past Glory? (Part 3) The resignations (logic plus what they say)


Aug 6, 2023

By: Sulaiman Stom Koroma.

I have heard different explanations, interpretations, or versions of different people as to what they think could have been the reason or reasons why three dedicated and vibrate staff of Radio Democracy resigned days apart. Some say it has something to do with politics, but to what extent? I could not tell, some say it’s a voluntary resignation, therefore, we don’t need to make a storm in a coffee cup for it, some say they felt dissatisfied about something, and the list continues. But here is my analysis based on logic and the reasons they state.

Firstly, let’s take Asmaa James’ resignation. Asmaa has worked at Radio Democracy for over two decades now, she came in one or two years before me, and at the time she was a producer (fast forward). Her resignation is very explicit, she is leaving because she wants to take up a new challenge, what is that challenge? The letter of resignation did not say. Even though we are aware that she has set up her radio station, some pundits believe that may not solely be the reason for her resignation. But as much as the reason for her resignation is concerned, she is leaving because she wants a new challenge.

The second person who resigned is Kadija Bangura, Kadija came to 98.1 with the passion of being a Disk Joker (DJ), the competition at Radio Democracy then was very tense you can’t survive in one year. Kadija has heated the bench for so long and she was getting fed up, I took her out, sat her, and explained to her the need to be more patient, I changed her scope from the DJ thing to real-time broadcasting (fast forward). She was very good lately with her presentation skills, I did not see her letter of resignation, but I read her post on Facebook where she was admonishing her fans and the second to last paragraph reads “I have indeed resigned and left Radio Democracy. It was not a decision I took lightly, but it came to a point when I felt strongly that I had to move on and challenge myself differently”. for the fact that she said she felt strongly about her decision, meant something apart from willingness, necessitated her resignation.

The third resignation was Mabel Kabba, I took Mabel to her first coverage when she came to Radio Democracy. Mabel has heated the bench so long (just like other newcomers) that one day I took her to a press conference held by Health for All Coalition, there, I gave her confidence and encourage her to be strong (fast forward) she grew up very passionate and made her way through to the rank of a Deputy Station Manager just after my departure. A few days after Asmas’ resignation, Mabel tender hers, on her Facebook post to her fans she said “…I will never compromise my principle of fairness, honesty, objectivity and above all the fear of God no matter what…”.  These words clearly show she left because she feels dissatisfied.

General analysis of resignations and public interest

When I was at Radio Democracy, I saw certain people resign, which to me could have created concerns in the minds of logical thinkers and the public, but no, it went passing.

1.     Kezai Gbondo- she was Deputy Station Manager who went to Kenya to study for her master’s degree with permission from the management and board (she told me then) but when she came back her position was vacant and services were no longer needed, she says.

2.     Mohamed Faray Kargbo- this guy was one of the greatest during our time and a broadcaster with a difference, he tried his best to have stayed, but eventually he left, with no public outcry.

3.     I will mention Olabisi, Fatima Sesay, and Abdulai Gbla in passing. Alex’s situation is a little different.

4.     My very self.

All those examples above are situations I think people should be concerned about, even if they are genuine resignations try to always ask questions. Now we are having the same or similar situation with Mabel and Kadija. Many people would want to ask questions now, but they will not because similar questions should have been asked.

Conclusion about the two resignations especially Mabel’s.

1.     If Mabel and Kadija should have resigned when Asmaa was still the station manager, then you will say they might have resigned because they feel dissatisfied with her leadership, management, or other issues bordering the station. But because it happened after, you can’t blame Asmaa for it. 

2.     The decision of the board- normally when the station manager’s job is vacant you expect the deputy to step into the space until the job is advertised and the manager recruited, but the decision of the board to have contracted an extra person may have caused this outrage. Maybe to Mabel, bringing in an interim manager implies they are not competent, if so, why make her deputy?

I hope we all learn from this and be careful of how we choose people in position because a time will come when they will take over, but you who may have placed them there, still think they are not competent.

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