• Thu. Oct 17th, 2024



Aug 28, 2023

By Abass Sesay

As part of its commitment in complimenting the effort of government in enhancing food security in the country SierratTec company has cultivated 500 hectares of rice farm in Bombali and Port Loko Districts.

SierratTec Secure is an indigenous Company leveraging land arability, conducive weather conditions and readily available manpower to engage in commercialized agriculture. This Agric-based organization is on mix cropping – targeting rice, cassava and others.

In this planting season alone, SierratTec cultivates over 500 Hectares of rice farm in five different areas in Bombali and Port Loko Districts.

The Chief Executive Officer SierratTec company Mr. Salleu Kanu during a high-level visit comprising representatives from Agriculture Ministry, Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, Academics in Agriculture from various universities said, his ambitious goal is to support government to enhance a food secure society. This according to him, it would be achieved through mechanized farming, value addition and establishment of seed banks to support farmers especially women.

Through his agriculture drive, Mr. Kanu has also created direct employment opportunities for scores of women and youths who are machine operators, providing daily labor like weeding etc. Since the commencement of SierratTec’s farm project, it has supported over 2,000 female farmers in Bombali and Port Loko Districts with viable seeds; and also supporting them on ploughing and other farm assistance.

The high-power level delegation from respective institutions were thrilled and elated on what they witnessed in one of the farms at Rogborong- which is alone 125 hectares rice farm. SierratTec is seeking strategic partnership that would boost productivity, enhance expansion and increase profitability.

Mr. Josephus Brima, the Chief Technical and Higher Education Officer in the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education associated the farm project by SierraTec as a form of patriotism that is in line with government ambition to provide sustainable food supply to citizens.

Dr. Saidu Kanu, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the University of Makeni emphasized that, the importance of agriculture cannot be overstressed as it is the mainstay for the country’s economy. He added that, among the roles of tertiary institutions in agriculture is to provide extension services and innovative ideas that would boost the sector.

The Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology Makeni Campus, Dr. Maurice Baimba Kargbo, said the venture by SierraTec is laudable towards commercialization. He confirmed that, the farm project would be used to train their agriculture students on the practical aspect of the discipline. 

In his statement during the opening of the 6th Parliament, President Bio emphasized on the urgent need for food security in the country. He said that, food security holds paramount importance in the quest for a stable and democratic society; and a necessity of which the country’s prosperity could be built. 

Therefore, the Paramount Chief of Gbanti Chiefdom – P.C Masa Yealie N’tham entreats government to strengthen public private partnership in other to achieve “Feed Salone” which is among the flagship projects of the Government of Sierra Leone. 

Government’s stance on agriculture is a blueprint that would consolidate the intervention of every player in the sector in order to ensure a food sufficient country.

Sierra Leone is among many developing countries in Africa that rely heavily on the importation of staple food stuffs like rice. Annually, the country spends approximately $ 200,000,000 USD on rice importation alone which in real economic terms it’s minus on our Balance of Trade as a country.

Sierra Leone is endowed with hectares of arable lands that support large-scale farming. However, limited resources like farm inputs, modern farming equipment etc. are perennial hindrances to attain food self-sufficiency status.

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