By Millicent Obries-Mansaray
Magbaft village 4 Miles, is one of the deprived communities in Western Area Rural Districts inhabited by some persons living with disability. Most of the people in that community sleep in makeshift structures and find it difficult to get their basic amenities.
During the International Women’s Day celebration, Education and Development for Special Needs Children Sierra Leone gave hope to special needs women and caregivers in the community.
People living with a disability occupy the camp in the village.
Though they work hard to make ends meet, these people still struggle due to a lack of basic amenities like safe drinking water, healthcare, and secondary school, among others.
Kadijatu Ruth Kargbo, a parent and founder of Voice of Women Network, called on the government to invest in special needs schools and train teachers. She pledged her organization’s support to see women and children living with disability are provided and cared for.
Educating the people about her organization, the Founder and Executive Director of Education and Development for Special Needs Children in Sierra Leone, Yvette Cole Smith, said she was proud of their endless effort to care for their children and empower themselves.
She pledged continuous advocacy for special needs people and provided skills training and other empowerment opportunities for caregivers.
Operations Manager One Family People, Samuel POV Macauley applauded Education and Development for Special Needs Children SL for such a humanitarian move.
Mr. Macauley promised to help the community with learning and teaching materials. He educated the people on the Disability Act, their rights, and their mandate as a disability organization.
Education and Development for Special Needs Children Sierra Leone is an organization established to advocate, raise awareness, and empower children, caregivers, and women with disability, including the popularization of sign language in Sierra Leone.