• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Husband and Wife on the run for their lives


Jul 30, 2024

By Musa Sesay

Ibrahim Kabia and his wife Kadija Kabia are reportedly on the run for fear of losing their lives in the hands of hooligans and thugs being hired by Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara of Laminiya village Lokomasama Chiefdom, Portoloko District North West Sierra Leone who accused Ibrahim of taken away from him his fifth wife Kadija.

According to an investigation conducted by this press Kadija at the age of 15, her father Lamin Sesay and wife Marian Sandy had a serious misunderstanding which ended with divorce and her mother had to leave the home for an unknown destination as a child she had no choice but to stay with her father and her stepmother.

Kadijah then started facing a lot of maltreatment from her father and stepmother with domestic violence as she never had the chance to live like a normal child who would get love and support from her own father.

It was reported that her father had to stop her from attending school not knowing that they were preparing for Kadija to be initiated into female genital mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital cutting ceremony together with her younger siblings a process that led to the death of her youngest sister Amina who bleed to death while Kadija was fortunate to come alive. 

It was revealed that after the initiation period, Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara, a community chief approached her father to ask him for a hand in the marriage of Kadija as tradition demanded her father forcefully gave her marriage to the chief who already had four wives because Kadija’s father and the chief were best of friends as they all belong to the same cultic society called G’ban G’ban ni, a society that has led to mysterious deaths of many young people during initiation due to the evil nature of their practices.

Our investigation indicates that Kadija who married without her consent was multiple times forcefully raped by Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara with no proper medication and no good food till she managed to escape from him and ran away and was leaving on the street where she met her second husband.

Ibrahim Kabia who helped find Kadija’s mother later got married to him and settled in Freetown. While in Freetown Ibrahim, Kadija’s new husband’s family got to know that she was married before to Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara and started stigmatizing her with humiliation and abandoned by neighbours and friends from interacting with her as marrying two men at the same time which is totally prohibited as against tradition as an ungodly act which made Ibrahim and Kadija had cause to flew to Kadija mother’s village Gbeneh village Lokomasama Chiedom Port Loko District. 

The report indicates that on the 15th of July 2021 Pa. Alimany Kamara, Kadija’s first husband, her father Lamin Sesay, some community elders including holiday and thugs hired by Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara attacked Ibrahim and Kadija’s residence with sticks and knives to kill Ibrahim for violating their tradition of taking their chief wife and for Kadija for denning to married to their chief which made Ibrahim and Kadija escape through the window for their lives. 

An eye wittiness Mohamed Kamara a neighbourhood recounts the harrowing experience of waking up seeing the thugs attacking Madam Marian Sandy, mother of Kadija house which left the house home defaced and damaged.

“It was a horrifying sight to wake up to, “said Mammy Fatu old woman. “The windows were shattered and personal belongings were strewn across the yard. It’s not just the physical damage, it’s the violation of feeling safe in your own home”

The hired hooligans and thugs by Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara while leaving the house threaten to deal with Ibrahim and Kadija and wherever they set eyes on them for violating their tradition of taking their chief wife.

Ibrahim and his wife Kadija are reportedly in hiding and their whereabouts are still unknown their families are worried that they stay put for their lives as Chief Pa. Alimany Kamara and his hired thugs are still looking for them.

Human Rights organizations are worried about the continued human rights violations in the country and call on the government to live up to its responsibility of defending the human rights of its citizens against horrible traditional beliefs. Our investigations continue. 

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