• Thu. Oct 17th, 2024



Oct 30, 2023


Sierra Leone is a democratic state which started the practice of democratic good governance in 1996 with a constitution based on core principles that engender a pluralistic media and establishment of democratic institutions including Parliament. The functions of such institutions should be interpreted to the people, as it is their right to know.

Government is an embodiment of elected representatives of the people whose voices and activities should always be in the public domain.

Considering the sensitive role of government in the democratic dispensation of Sierra Leone, it is important to have a media outlet that informs the people about it policies and programmes.

Government institutions are policy makers and implementers for effective service delivery for the people of Sierra Leone for economic growth. But little is known about the activities of these all important institutions; hence, the establishment of The Informant Newspaper which would serve as an online special mouthpiece that informs and educates the people of Sierra Leone on the activities of these institutions, in and out of the country. This will help reduce the misconceptions about the work of government, development partners and democratic institutions

The other areas including health, entertainment, commentaries among others would form part of the contents on issues that are of interest to the people.


We must provide people with the news and information they require to understand their world and make informed judgment. Our mission therefore is to increase readership on the activities of government and development partners. This reportage will be extended to other sectors of society since we inform, educate and entertain.

Professional Standards

The credibility of our news reporting is based on fairness, impartiality and objectivity which demand peace building in a democratic society. We operate in the public domain and create a free space for healthy political, social and economic discourse.

We are a-political, we chronicle the news, not make its participation in events such as soiling violence. Staffs are discouraged from anything that will attempt to derail our integrity and professional standards.

We are residents of the community we serve, its civic health matters to us as citizens; its cultural heritage enriches our lives and the lives of our families. Reporting the news does not detach us from community life. In fact, the more we participate, the better understanding we will have about the needs and aspirations of the society we live in.

Core Values

As a team, we believe in providing credible, impartial and factual information on the political, economic and social activities to the people of Sierra Leone which serves as a guarantee for enhancing freedom of the human rights of every citizen.

We shall contribute in the fight against corruption by exposing individuals and institutions that are involve in such practice.

We shall also report the progress, achievements and challenges of government, development partners and the people of Sierra Leone. In doing so, we will maintain standards, excellence and strive towards objectivity which form the bedrock of modern day Journalism.

We believe that the cornerstone of our enterprise is integrity and professionalism. We insist on honesty, fairness and objectivity in the work we do. We will maintain a work force that is consistent with our core values.

We will provide a favourable environment that will stimulate economic growth and reward staff fairly for their creativity. Engender an atmosphere of mutual respect for all our clients, our readers who measure our level of growth in the industry.

We are a-political, we chronicle the news, not make its participation in events such as soiling violence. Staffs are discouraged from anything that will attempt to derail our integrity and professional standards.

We are residents of the community we serve, its civic health matters to us as citizens; its cultural heritage enriches our lives and the lives of our families. Reporting the news does not detach us from community life. In fact, the more we participate, the better understanding we will have about the needs and aspirations of the society we live in.

Media Content

The Informant Newspaper has been in existence for years, and it is well known across the country for its profession reportage on issues of great importance with many awards in the fight against corruption.

As a media institution now operating online, its contents will include but not limited to the following:


Development News

Political Dreams

Tourism and Culture

Environmental News

Human Rights

State of the Economy

Gender Issues

Media and Society



International News Briefs



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